Our goal is to help you become a safe, responsible driver. We have listed some guidelines for the course. This will answer commonly asked questions and provide the information you will need. Our school is certified by the Secretary of State. State laws mandate that you must attend all classes and finish all driving times before a Course Completion Certificate will be issued.
Selection of Students
Students must have reached their 15th birthday before the first day of class. Selection will be on a first come, first serve basis. The number of students selected will not be more than 14 per class.
Besides the regular class times there will be an additional Orientation Class requiring at least one parent to attend with the student. This time will be scheduled during an evening (6 to
8pm) prior to the first regular class for students. You will receive a call and/or a mailing notifying you of this time. During this class, driving schedules and classroom hours will be
reviewed. Each student is to receive a minimum of 30 classroom hours. The final test will be administered during the last class.
Simply, students can not miss a class. If this should occur, state regulations require that the student make up the missed class.
There will be an additional fee for make-up of missed class(es). Students missing classes will not be able to receive their Course Completion Certificates until all requirements are met. According to state law, any missed classes must be made up within two months of the original course.
driving schedules are determined, students are responsible for being on
time. Every effort will be made to provide written updated schedules to
prevent miscommunication. Students can drive during study halls
providing their parents sign a release form and a note
on the day the student is to drive. Driving partners may be assigned
based on each student's available schedule..
Students must maintain at least a 70% grade on classroom and score an 80% grade on the final exam.
Parents Ride Along
Parents will have the option to ride in the Driver Ed. Car. This helps the parent see firsthand how the instructor has been teaching the concepts of safe driving. It also gives the parent some ideas on how to interact (i.e. Understanding the "ground rules") with his/her student driver once he/she has been issued their driving permit, making for a smoother transition.
Portland Trip
This trip is designed to give students an opportunity to experience driving in Maine's largest city. This is scheduled with another driver so that they can share the experience. Emphasis is placed on city and expressway driving as well as parallel parking. The trip includes eating lunch at a fast foods restaurant at the mid-way point. This trip is usually scheduled during driving hours 8 and 9 and lasts for 4 1/2 hours.
Enrollment Cost
The cost
for Driver Education is subject to change, call for current rates. Full
payment is due on Orientation Class night. There will be no
refunds after attendance to the first class
Additional Driving Instruction
This is designed for any community members who wish to "upgrade" their driving skills. The rate of $70.00 / hour is the going fee.